Every morning we wake up and go about our lives doing all sorts of things. We go to work. We run errands. We go to school. We visit with friends. We volunteer. We use our time. It can be easy to lose sight of exactly why we’re doing some things, maybe without even putting much thought into it. I think it’s of great importance for us to have a purpose in everything we’re doing.
Zig Ziglar is notable for having a famous quote, “If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.” This quote holds absolutely true. If we’re not focused on keeping a purpose to our actions and time, we can find ourselves doing a lot of things but accomplishing nothing. We need to have a purpose for our time, a purpose for our actions, a purpose for the day and a purpose for our lives. Purpose gives life to our dreams, it provides a destination to work towards, When you’ve got purpose to your life and actions, you’ve got goals. When you’ve got goals, you’ll have achievements, because when you aim at something you’ll increase your chance to at least hit it sometimes.
I challenge you to think about what you’re doing each day. Are you living with purpose? Or, are you just living in the moment with no clear direction? Don’t live for the day. Be deliberate. Have a purpose.